KRFT MRKT – Three Queens AAAA+


Three Queens is a potent mix of White Fire 43 and Bubba Kush. Scaling in at a whopping 36% THC, the faint of tolerance should tread cautiously  Deep foreboding forest greens accentuate the copious dusting of trichomes. Chunky and bouldering formation while expertly cured and trimmed. Cracking the tin unleashes a rich and complex pungency. Most noteworthy are hits of dank earth, fuel, radish and sharp woodsy notes. Full and robust in a joint and vape alike.

THC: 36%

  • 1 grams $10
  • 7 grams $55
  • 14 grams $100
  • 28 grams $190

Disclaimer: 1 gram does not come in a jar. 

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