Tag Archives: Marijuana

Which is correct – Cannabis or Marijuana?

There are a lot of names used on the street indicating marijuana or cannabis but which of the two should be used? Should we call it marijuana or cannabis? This article explains in-depth which term should be used to properly address the question. The Word “Marijuana” Versus the Word “Cannabis”           Marijuana or cannabis is […]

Balanced Weed Hybrids: Are They Right For You?

Balanced Weed Hybrids

Introduction With a variety of cannabis strains to choose from, some even carrying funny names, it is overwhelming, to say the least, to choose the one that’s right for you. Cannabis, though dated way back years ago before its prohibition in North America is quite new to this century’s generations. Millennials, Gen Xs, and even […]

Cannabis Tinctures and Topicals: A How-to Guide

Cannbis Tinctures And Topicals

We often have the misconception that cannabis is often consumed recreationally or medically by either smoking or eating it. But, did you know that cannabis tinctures and topicals exist and present as a viable preparation for a myriad of purposes? What is a tincture? Tinctures are a kind of preparation that is made from a […]